Its the new year and its time to get fit. As a result I have opened a new fitness column on my blog. These are simple tips for any gender, age, or fitness level that would make you feel better and look better! So put those shoes on and get crankin!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
What is meaningful is never easy. The first suggested training program will be given in the next post. stay tuned! [;
2 weeks ago, there was a baptism in my Branch. That meant that immediately after Sacrament, I had to go out to the backyard of the villa (we meet in a house), and up the font, and then guard it. Yes. I am the guardian of the font that ensures no kid cannonballs into the font. And so I was sitting on a swing in the backyard, watching the font, when I looked up at just this random pine tree. Totally random the tree was. But the moment I looked upon the tree, I received what is probably the sweetest feeling i have ever felt. I have always been able to feel the Spirit when my life is in order. However these have always been impressions. This time, I actually heard a full sentence. Nature has a way of connecting us to God. If I may, it might even be magical.
Elder Richard G. Scott talked a little about how we can receive spiritual guidance in the last General Conference. Things we need to do to earn spiritual guidance.
"What is meaningful is never easy. If its easy, it would cease being meaningful. If its easy, we wouldn't learn as much."
Which brings me to my fitness tip. Consistency is the key. It won't be easy at first. But its worth it.
In whatever thing we are doing, we feel the results of what we are doing before we see it. When we study for an exam, the immediate result that we feel is fatigue. But we only see the results (literally in this case) after a period of time when we sit for that big test. Likewise, we feel the results of our workout immediately. Some people I know pumps off 30 push-ups at one go. Sayy OUCHHHH (feeling the result of their workout), then immediately head to the full-length mirror. They look in, flex, see that they haven't gained much muscle, then say heck, whatever, its not working. Now heres the thing. We feel the results immediately but we can only see them after a period of time remember? In fact, we can only see the results of our workout after at least 6 weeks. So for guys, while you feel good after that gym session, you'll only look buffer after 6 weeks. For girls, while the weighing scale shows you lost 700g from that weekend workout and you feel lighter, you will only look slimmer and more toned after at least 6 weeks.
Consistency is the key, what is meaningful, is never easy. Set a target. You don't have to workout for 2 hours every alternate day. I suggest that 15 minutes a day is more than sufficient.
Along this line, I will post up my first training suggestion for that 15min workout the next time I blog (:
Right now I am still touching the basics. Things that are good to know, good to do, and not exclusive to fitness. In the following posts, I would slowly get more specific in what you should do and whats happening to you when you workout.
For now, keep taking your heart rate. It is of UTMOST importance regardless of whether or not you are exercising. As said, it acts as an early warning system as to whether you are feeling well. So every morning, take that heart rate. Consistency is the key.
Monday, January 18, 2010
no I do not have a bedtime Melodyyyy. but!
so there's this new kid in school. His name is Matt. Staunch Lutheran (no drugs, no alcohol, no swearing [;) and I was sitting with him at the back of the class and we overheard the rest of the guys in my class talking about how they're gonna try plant the marijuana seeds that they found -.- and so Matt asked me: "hey fred do you read the Bible?" and I was like "of course! I'm Mormon!" his reply? "Good to see that there's someone else in the school with morals." HAHA. yes. As Elder Cook said in in his article in the New Era. We are Saints. We truly, we truly should be.
so onto my fitness tip. I'm gonna hop back to my tip on sleep first before continuing on what I planned to blog about all thanks to Melody xP haha. no I don't have a bedtime, but this is why I try to sleep early.
so here we have it! As I mentioned before, with sufficient sleep, we would have improved concentration, memory and our body would be better able to replenish dead cells. so yes we busy teens say that it is impossible! how are we supposed to have 9-10 hours of sleep per night. so here is the great part! there are different stages to sleep. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is the stage of sleep that we need and benefit from the most. wonderful thing is~we can make up sleep! and so if you miss out on sleep during the weekdays, make it up during the weekends. if you don't well, your body doesn't get to recover/heal etc. For guys, that means you won't grow stronger, for girls, that means you'll start looking older! and perhaps uglier...(saggy eyes etc.) not something you want right? now say you are real tired because you had to burn the midnight oil, take power naps! 20mins during lunch and wake up feeling SUPER. anymore than a 20min stretch isn't a power nap and you will wake up feeling even more tired. baseline, get your sleep! (:
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
know yourself
so this would be the second and last tip under the "know yourself" category. Hope that you now know your RHR? another thing that is good to know is your weight.
Personally, I am not too hassled about the whole I gained 500g thing. Don't worry if you are not losing as many pounds as want. Health is all about how good you feel and how you really are. you might be heavier than your friends but dont worry. you might have heavier bones. if they still bug you, just tell them that muscles are heavier than fats (: dont worry too much about how heavy you are. your weight is important for another reason. take your weight before your workout, and your weight after your workout. you WILL be lighter after your workout. promise you that. its because you loose water as you exercise. therefore, take your weight before the workout, and minus off your weight after your workout, thats how much fluids you lost, and how much water you have to drink (: know yourself, be healthy
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
know yourself better
so Christmas is over but still, this is unbelievably hilarious! haha. so enjoy. (:
wellz. so people in singapore are starting to go back to school. good luck to y'all (: go own the exams and dont fall asleep in class. harhar. brings back memories of times in NJ. unbelievable times. spamming singlish 24/7, talking about crazy random stuff, watching pirates of the caribbean on zh's itouch at during physics, playing bridge before class etc. lol. totally spankin times. crazy people like cris and jingho who are frm vietnam and malaysia but learnt how to speak chinese cantonese and hokkien in the shortest amount of time. soccer games with the class and 04 and any1 else that we can grab. jac with her piglet~lawrence and his bird~justin and his canoe~the "twins" zh and ryan who have the same birthday but the similarities end there. haha. dang dont i miss those days. but oh well, good times dont always last. at least i get to visit occasionally~? MAN 0hthree ftw. hah.
so this is the first health and fitness tip that shall be posted. These are things I've learnt from my personal experience both from fitness and psychology, and also from other sporting professionals who have had and still have professional sporting careers of their own, have had and are still undergoing University education of fitness training, and are currently coaching me. These tips will generally be uh general guidelines and applicable to all. At times I shall dive into certain specifics. These first few tips that would be given would help you to know your own body better.
We all want to be healthy don't we? To improve your fitness, you must first know where are you at, and what your purpose is. Only then can you set goals, only then can you know how much you need to do. So first do that. Set a goal. Determine your purpose. I suggest that at the very basic level, we all set a target to maintain a basic level of health. Despite your purpose or your current level of fitness, it is a good idea to do the following. The first advice to help you know yourself?
1) Know what your Resting Heart Rate (RHR) is.
To find out what it is, simply take your pulse immediately once you wake up. This is the point of time where you are in the greatest state of rest as you just woke up and havent been walking around. You can take your heart rate for 10seconds and multiply that number by 6, or take it for 15 seconds and multiply it by 4. Take your RHR over a week and average the total. This is your BASE HEART RATE (measured in Beats Per Minute, BPM) that you would be working with and we will use this number more in the future. As a general rule however, you do not want your RHR to be high. That means that your heart is working hard to keep you alive. The lower that number the better so watch that number and take your heartrate everyday to measure where you are! Now even if you dont intend to be working out much, this number is still useful. If you wake up one morning with your heart-rate about 8BPM higher than your Base Heart Rate, your body is telling you that you are sick and in the process of recovering. Thus in this situation, rest would probably be a good idea.
So yes thats the first thing. Know your RHR (: and you will know who you are. Give it a shot! Open up your new fitness log and plug in your goals and heart rate!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
its the new year #2 and this blog has found a new life
Satan entices us to sin by decieving us to believe that sinning fulfills our natural desires and the natural man. While the natural man might be satisfied through sin, natural desires definitely are not. There is a stark difference between the idea of the "natural man" and the idea of "natural desires".
The state of the "natural man" only began when we came to earth and got a body. The natural man is considered carnal (which is a state whereby we only strive to fulfill temporal physical needs and satisfactions) due to the fall of Adam that allowed us to come to earth to get a body and grow (the 1st condition of us being considered Man), and also due to the veil of forgetfulness that erased all memory of our divine pre-existance (which places us in a carnal stage whereby we need to discover the light of Christ in us). This carnal natural man is satisfied when he commits sin as sins only satisfies temporaly. Unlike the "natural man" however, our "natural desires" can be traced back to the pre-existance. Every person on earth is inately good. Even terrible tyrants like Hitler. Reason, we all made at the very least 1 good choice in our lives. The choice to subscribe to the Plan of Happiness and follow God's will. This is our "natural desire". To obey God. A desire we had eons ago, a desire we have to rediscover, a desire we have to remember and keep burning. Do not let the adversary decieve us that sin satisfies our natural desires because we desire to be with God. That is our natural self. A child of God.
So these are more of my little thoughts of the new year. Personal opinions no more. Anyway, this is probably one of my favorite paintings. It is set during the time that Jesus cast the merchants out of the temple. This painting is painted by Carl Heinrich Bloch a long time ago and though he isn't a member, this painting reveals alot about who God is, and calls for contemplation as to who we are. I wont spoil it, look closely at the painting yourself. Feel free to leave comments as to what you feel/think about it! (yeh dun be selfishh sharre [; )
but anyway, about this blog's new life, i've decided to start a little health column on my blog, giving it a little more value than just random ramblings. got this idea when fred (like fred lee...i dont talk to myself no i dont) came to me asking for advice as to how to get in shape for NS and I came up with some sort of a training program for him. again disclaimer, i dont claim to be the fittest spunk (no but if u insist u can call me a fitness guru xD)but for those who know me, you would know that i have come really far. in the past i couldnt even run 400m but now triathlons are the love. So a tip per post hopefully. Follow these simple tips and I GUARANTEE you, you would feel healthier, look healthier, be healthier and happier! (: We all want to obey the word of wisdom right? Keeping in shape is part of the word of wisdom.
Some of these advice can be modified to suit an individual's personal fitness level and objective. There is no SET NUMBER of what to do. It all varies from person to person, whether you just want to be healthy and fit, or you want to push your limits and go competitive (me it midly competitive or all out). These tips would work for anyone and everyone. its that simple! That being said, if anybody would like some personal help/advice or whatever, i'm always open and glad to oblige. (:
thats all for today, i've always been one for surprises. the mysterious first fitness post would be revealed tmrw.
Monday, January 4, 2010
its the new year part 1!: peaas stay healtyyy
this is 1 of my favorite adverts of all time. even better when you see it being performed live. haha. vadi (that big indian dude) is friggin funny. haha. and besides this goes along with my post of staying healthy.
instead of writing 1 HUGE "this was my 2009" post, i shall write a few small ones with a few shoutouts and pleas.
so finally my research essay is over. 1week with 20min sleep per day killed me. you know that ctr ring i have? and every1 (other than jeremy) always go woah! u've got huuge fingers? after that 1 week, i couldnt keep the ring on my finger. just point my hand downwards and the ring would just slip off. i dont proclaim myself to be the biggest fitness junkie but lemme tell u this. from experience and from my AP psyche class (yes i do stay awake in sch). adolescents need at least 9hours of sleep. not 8 as per popular belief, but 9. (btw, referring to my previous post, the GA came up with that personal progress goal before the psychological studies showed that we need 9hrs) it is needed to repair our bodies and mental functions that includes sorting out our memories. a lack of sleep results in motor and speech problems, perceptual difficulties and personality changes. POINT IS, a lack of sleep is très mauvais, muy mal, 不好,아주 나쁜. imagine how much weight i lost in just that 1 week such that my ring fell aint healthyy. PLEASE people, get enuff sleep.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
whee a working proxy
but its interesting how the program has evolved through time. i'm just so greatful for the Duty to God program though. Goal? Finish it by Feb. issit possible? No idea.
rushed post...more tmrw! (: