Monday, October 27, 2008

went cycling early in the morn today. average speed of 27km/h top speed of 35km/h. haha. but i got chased by 5dogs in total during the got slowed down alot. oh wait. actually when i started to get chased by the dogs i started going even faster. haha. stuupid Shepherd dog. haha. 

did some family history work today. didnt know my great-grandpa was so cool. his real name is "yang wu long" but he was given the reputation name of "hei long" aka black dragon. during the time he was alive, Singapore just gained independence. so he help the govt. alot to pull the local population together and won 2public service awards for it. He was also one of the only people that the secret societies then feared. noting that the secret societies then were still going strong. once, the founder of Yeo's (the drink company) son was kidnapped by the secret society. the founder went to the police but they couldnt do anything so they went to my great-grandpa for help who was also respected by the members of the secret society. going along with 2parangs to meet the secret society, he managed to get the founder's child out alive with just a small token sum instead of a huge ransom. such a hero. so proud to be his descendent! haha

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