Saturday, March 7, 2009

"Everytime you kick a Mormon (or Mormonism), you kick it upstairs, you never kick it downwards. The Lord Almighty so orders it." President Brigham Young

I love him. He's really such a funny prophet and this is one of the cool things that he said. There was another incident of this brother in America who used to serve a mission among the red indians. and so he adopted this little red indian girl after his mission and raised her as his own. when she grew up however and got of age to marry, many shady guys like cowboys and ruffians and wierdos came to his door to look for his daughter. and so this brother was really worried about his daughter's future with all these "bad guys" looking for her. he then went to find President Young and asked President Young what he could do to make these shady guys stop seeing his daughter and that her daughter would be able to marry into a good family and have a good future. guess what President Young said...MARRY HER. yes. he asked the brother to marry his own adopted daughter. President Young said you want those guys to stop seeing her, then marry her. but that was when plural marraiges were still allowed. funny huh President Young, but still, there is no doubt that he is a real prophet of God.

1 comment:

purplecows said...

I like this story too. Wow u really must take notes in seminary. Half of the time I am basically asleep. or falling asleep :)