Saturday, June 21, 2008

Its Friday and after the long bus ride during which time I spent thinking, (yes thinking. NOT emo-ing. Please) about what life means to me. (yarr. Intellectual activity. Be surprise!) also thinking about the day and the events that have just transpired. Thus I have decided to write this little essay? What is life.

You know in life, the hugest choices are usually easy to make. Coz the choice is just too darn obvious. Like drugs for example. Instinctively you say nooooo. Simple! Tadah! But it’s the small ones that are a pain in the neck.

As I was thinking, I likened life to a bed of roses. Really. Because it’s beautiful. Imagine, like a bed of roses, meticulously planted and carefully nurtured, so was the world created in the same manner. But roses have thorns! And that’s why its so much like life. Its beautiful, but can be painful. And you know in that bed of roses, there are flowers of many colours.

There’s a white rose. And lets say that signifies eternal life. Splendid flower! But yes there are thorns. The sacrifice is earthly temporal wants perhaps? Like fame? Or maybe wealth? Pride too?

Then there’s the black rose. Which is suppose to be quite rare and valuable, but since white = eternal life, I shall use black = temporal stuff. That flower is also tempting. Imagine. Riches, popularity etc. Whatever you want! But the thorns are huge. Eternal consequences will probably be it if one becomes too obsessed with it.. Do you really want that flower?

Then of course. How can we miss out the red rose. Oh yes. Bingo! Its love. Its funny how life has a sense of humour huh. I used to think that the best way to avoid love was to pile myself and bury myself in work. So I did that! Joined debates and choir in an attempt to shut myself up from the world. Then oh life with its sense of humour. The very thing that was supposed to keep me away from such emotions brought me to it. The only reason why I got to know her is because of my CCA. And I don’t regret it. Although nothing much has come out of it.

So love. A splendid rose too huh. But yes. Thorns in it too. You’re results perhaps? Or maybe it might even be one of your childhood best friends? Just maybe. You may never know.

But in this journey I am so grateful to have 2 things.
1) My friends who have always helped me, lifted me up, slapped some sense into me. Haha. Most recent being casey and trent and the lil kidd. (haha. That’s what I’m calling you from now on. Xp) thanks so much. Really.
2) Christ and everything he has given to me. When I prick my finger on the rose, he is always there to bandage it for me.

So there. My little thesis?
Just something random. Its just weird how the normally talkative me is totally silent when in her presence. Queer?

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