Wednesday, December 2, 2009


So i think a THIMUN 09 post is in order. or maybe a few THIMUN posts with this being the first of the series. The last time I went for THIMUN was when i was what 13? That is equivalent to Sec 1, or Grade 7? I can proudly say that I did absolutely nothing then. Presented one truely lame Point of Information and that was it. But hey! I was young! and practically everyone there were juniors or seniors~! This time I managed to hold the floor for quite awhile, took the floor whenever I felt sleepy, made a few jokes here and there and wahla! best speaker of ECOSOC for whatever that is worth. One thing remained the same with this conference though, I had a 3rd World country. Somalia this time, Zimbabwe during the last conference. What does these 2 countries have other than a heck load of sand? I have no idea...
so it totally rawked being a senior in THIMUN coz you're actually respected as some form of authority in some matters. got interviewed, got on MUN TV and of course got to know a few new people, with melodyy and devvy being the funnest, kraziest, and cooolest. xD haha. don't let it get to your heads...xD of course the fact that they are Singaporeans help. ohh~! of course there were other Singaporeans there...tight short pants hwa chongers (sorry for the stereotype but 99% true no?) and well hwa chongers are nice people yehh but. lol...(again only for 99% mayb a little lesser) pompous people pho pink pey pow pit pall (haha. kk that was retarded). yehh. so they don't really count. the dance was fun. and funny if you see the hwa chong people try to dance (fyi I know I can't dance thats why I don't try...) and then there was this catholic high debater that I recognized who was so not in THIMUN, but crashed the dance again and thought that he could dance...well he saw me and his face turned color. like not even joking the room was dark and you could see his face go white...probably remembered how nj trashed his precious seemingly almighty cat high last year at JG's. I wanted to do just that ever since I saw Christiano and the other high-pitched voiced guy oh yeh Antiono? when I was in Barker. So eat that, hope loosing felt good (:
ok but less about social stuff, more serious stuff in this post...I participated in only a few topics
. Poverty eradication, sustainable patterns of consumption and production
,rights of indigenous people and i think there is one more. why only these topics? coz these were the less boring ones of the group where there was some interesting oppositions (: Russia was way funny so was Algeria. Algeria never wanted the debates to end, kept trying to extend debate time and that almost got him killed. JOKE. haha. he was a way cool indian duude. well i dont really feel like discussing bout those issues now xP so chowz and on to THIMUN part 2

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