Sunday, November 30, 2008


You know i didnt really support President Elect Obama. I was supporting McCain. Why? Obama is what America WANTS. not what America NEEDS. america wants a celebrity. a symbol. but what they really need is someone firm, who knows his stuff who can pull them out of this crisis. President Elect Obama said in his recent speech that this financial crisis is serious, not easy to handle and will take a long time to handle. something of a 6yr period if i'm not wrong. cant remember his actual words. but to me, this is just his way of saying, "hey, if i dont manage to cure this, not my fault! coz it needs a loooooong term solution..." but President Elect Obama is really smart. no doubt about that so. yeah! maybe it wont be so bad after all.?

one thing i like about him though is his slogan. "CHANGE" noble of him. he aims for a CHANGE?in the situation in Iraq, a CHANGE?in the economic crisis and stuff. and till date, he has successfully brought about no CHANGE?

but change is something i believe everyone wants to be able to bring about. it doesnt matter what we change. be it ourself, others our dog (i dont have one. haha) change is what we want to do. those who are really unsuccessful in bring about change are called terrorists...those who are really successful, they are usually called presidents. haha. (or so says tom clancy...)

i myself hope that i have been able to bring about my fair share of change. i have done lots, but i dont think i have done enoughh...ok finee. in barker, prefect exco was okayy, then debate exco and choir pres for what 2mths because i had to transfer school? so not much time to create change. then went to nj. where i'm like the jnr. so not much done too. kinda feel a little disappointed though. aimed to get champions in debate and be ranked top 5 best speaker, aimed to be get gold with honours for syf, cant do it too. but when you guys get it, at least i can say that i was PART of a gold with honours kwair (:

 you know. i'm really lucky that i have such good church friends who help change me for the better whenever i needed 'em. always reminding me to be good. wait sorry. for guys its called advice. for girls its called nag. lol. not i say one. haha. pres skelton said it once in a talk. heheh. but joking. really really. they have been a great support. then school frens. like eugene. keep making sure i can learn the songs. super senior. then like chibi. haha. make me feel old but happy. lol. i dont feel like talking bout negative changes although there are alot. people who changed such that i dont really know if i know them anymore. 

you see the thing is that the world changes. people change. so sometimes you dont know whats happening. who that person is anymore. but one thing stays the same. the church. the gospel the Lord. He will always be there. His church will always remain strong. and in the church we can always find safety, security and peace.

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