Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Homo rights

with all the hype over proposition 8, i think i shall do a really short post on that 1st. before doing one on the theory and construction of knowledge. exciting stuff that one.

interesting thing. this is the 1st time that the church as actually straightforwardly stated their stand in a social issue without 1st being asked about it. usually they dont say anything. but this time its different. proposition8 had the potential to change california, america and well, even the world. why? because globalisation is really just = to americanisation. take a look at the fastest and biggest effects of globalisation. macdonalds, get the idea. so when america changes, the world changes. thats why the church had to speak out and advise to vote for prop8. even then, it was only passed by a VERY small margin. scaryy.

so. gays, nature or nuture. and these are all just my personal opinions. really if homosexuality was meant to be, God would have created Adam and Steve, not Adam and Eve. so really the natural order of things. animals in noah's ark, one male, one female. gosh what chaos it would have been if the animals were really. so yes. nuture. or i wouldnt really say nuture since no young child is allowed to live with any homo parent now to make it a cause of nuture. i would call it one's free choice that makes one homo.

anyway, people say if we allow them to get married, it will show greater tolerance, less discrimination. such nonsense. discrimination will just take a diferent form. or actually, it will increase since gays will be easily identified now that they are allowed to get married. they'll get rejected from jobs, schools and such. of course the organisations will deny it but reallyy...inevitable. then there will be preventing them from adopting children. young ones at least. reason for not allowing them to adopt young children? research has shown that young children mimick the behaviours of those that they are in prolonged contact with. so yes. we cannot allow that can we? yes they still have a choice to change in the future. but i dont want to take that chance. see. discrimination still. not good for them.

ok. then please dont complain that your rights are being compromised. coz by all means, have your right and continue being gay. no one stopping you. and i dont really care much. in fact, some of the NICEST people i have homo tendency. and dont go complaining that because the catholic church or whatever votes for proposition 8 and deny gay marraige means that God doesnt love you. God loves all His children. but it doesnt mean he encourages them to do whatever they want with their life. Family a Proclaimation states that marraige is sacred between a man and a woman and the only way to heaven is through sacred temple marraige. expressing disapproval does not mean no love.

so yes. i'm against gay marraige. and looking at current trends, the world is getting more liberal as a whole. the next time this matter is put to vote again, things will probably be not be the same...

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