Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Personality Test from a Freudian Psychoanalytic Approach. Try it! (:

This test follows Freudian Psychoanalytic Approach. 10 questions that is designed to help explain your personality. According to Freud, it works. According to me~well you'll see.
Answer these questions. Don't peek at the end...Post it if you like~but you might want to keep it to yourself. Why? Your personality should be first understood by you yourself FIRST. Plus, well...you'll see why else. So here goes

1) You are walking in the woods. Who are you walking with?
2) You continue walking and you meet an animal. What animal is it?
3) Is there any interaction between you and the animal?
4) Keep walking. You reach a clearing in the woods. You see a house. Your dream house. Describe its size?
5) Is there a fence around it?
6) You walk into the house. Go through the corridor to the dining room. Describe your dining room?
7) Walk across the dining room and exit your house via the back door. You see a cup on the floor in the backyard. What is the cup made up off?
8) What do you do with the cup?
9) You walk on further and see a body of water behind the backyard of your house. What body of water is this?
10) You want to get across this body of water. How do you do so?
What do your answers say about your personality? These are general answers. If you wish more more specific interpretations, feel free to ask (:
1) The person/people you are walking with are the most important to you currently right now in your life
2) The size of the animal represents the challenges you are currently facing.
3) How you interact with the animal represents how you deal with problems. Eg. If you chase the animal away, it means you tend to face your challenges head-on and eliminate them.
4) The size of the house represents your general ambition.
5) If there is no fence, it generally means you are a more open person.
6) If there is no food, people or roses in your dining room, you are most likely an unhappy person now.
7) The cup represents the people mentioned in Qn 1 and the durability of the cup represents how strong your relationship with them is/will be. Eg. if it is made of say metal (if you imagined/ever saw a metal cup. heh), its real strong. [I find this one to be nonsense really but oh well, thats what Freud said...and he is dead so i can't ask him]
8) What you do with the cup represents what you do with this relationship. Eg. If you pick up the cup and place it carefully by the side, you treasure this relationship and would go all out to preserve it.
9) haha. the size of the body of water represents your sexual libido. [Again I find this to be nonsense...almost everybody dreams of a house by the sea...but Freud claims that unconsciously, that is what we want. the funny thing is that we can't really refute this because we can't really study/measure the unconscious...]
10) how wet you become in the process of crossing the body of water again represents about the same thing as number 9. Eg. If you get soaked then apparently ahem is all you think about. [Again, i don't really agree]

but oh well, hopefully you might have discovered a truth you ignored before~? This is Popular Psychology.

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