Monday, January 18, 2010

no I do not have a bedtime Melodyyyy. but!

finally the research presentation is over. and I must admit it went rather well. there were 17 people presenting, 10mins each, and I was number 14. that meant that by the time it got to me everyone was practically going zzz...still, managed to rouse the crowd, delivered the points I needed to, made the jokes I wanted to, got the response I wanted. hah. and so at the end of the presentation, I bumped into my teacher and he was going "fred...what are we going to do with should go become charismatic preacher!" my reaction? o.O HAHA! again today when he gave me my grades for the presentation~"fred, you should become a charismatic preacher"Aites...sure I do have what it takes and they do earn huuuge bucks. but I'm Mormon so no thanks. which reminds me.
so there's this new kid in school. His name is Matt. Staunch Lutheran (no drugs, no alcohol, no swearing [;) and I was sitting with him at the back of the class and we overheard the rest of the guys in my class talking about how they're gonna try plant the marijuana seeds that they found -.- and so Matt asked me: "hey fred do you read the Bible?" and I was like "of course! I'm Mormon!" his reply? "Good to see that there's someone else in the school with morals." HAHA. yes. As Elder Cook said in in his article in the New Era. We are Saints. We truly, we truly should be.

so onto my fitness tip. I'm gonna hop back to my tip on sleep first before continuing on what I planned to blog about all thanks to Melody xP haha. no I don't have a bedtime, but this is why I try to sleep early.
so here we have it! As I mentioned before, with sufficient sleep, we would have improved concentration, memory and our body would be better able to replenish dead cells. so yes we busy teens say that it is impossible! how are we supposed to have 9-10 hours of sleep per night. so here is the great part! there are different stages to sleep. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is the stage of sleep that we need and benefit from the most. wonderful thing is~we can make up sleep! and so if you miss out on sleep during the weekdays, make it up during the weekends. if you don't well, your body doesn't get to recover/heal etc. For guys, that means you won't grow stronger, for girls, that means you'll start looking older! and perhaps uglier...(saggy eyes etc.) not something you want right? now say you are real tired because you had to burn the midnight oil, take power naps! 20mins during lunch and wake up feeling SUPER. anymore than a 20min stretch isn't a power nap and you will wake up feeling even more tired. baseline, get your sleep! (:

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